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Is it a future trend for new energy vehicles to go global?


Is it a future trend for new energy vehicles to go global?

In recent years, China has led the global transformation of automobile electrification and entered the fast lane of electrification development.
According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, China's electric vehicle production and sales have ranked first in the world for eight consecutive years. From January to September 2023, China's new energy sales reached 5.92 million vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 36%, and the market share reached 29.8%.
At present, the new generation of information communications, new energy, new materials and other technologies are accelerating the integration with the automobile industry, and the industrial ecology has undergone profound changes. There are also many discussions within the industry regarding the future development trends of China's new energy industry. Generally speaking, there are currently two major development directions:
First, the new energy automobile industry continues to develop rapidly and intelligence is accelerating. According to predictions by industry experts, global new energy vehicle sales will reach about 40 million units in 2030, and China's global market share of sales will remain at 50%-60%.
In addition, in the "second half" of automobile development - automobile intelligence, commercialization has accelerated in recent years. Data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shows that currently, more than 20,000 kilometers of test roads have been opened across the country, and the total mileage of road tests exceeds 70 million kilometers. Multi-scenario demonstration applications such as self-driving taxis, driverless buses, autonomous valet parking, trunk logistics, and unmanned delivery are constantly emerging.
HS SEDA Group will work with Chinese car dealers to promote the export trade of China's new energy vehicles and accelerate the pace of Chinese cars going global.
Data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) show that in the first six months of 2023, China's automobile exports increased by 75.7% year-on-year to 2.14 million units, continuing the strong growth momentum in the first quarter and surpassing Japan for the first time to become the world's largest automobile exporter.
In the second half of the year, overseas shipments of new energy vehicles, mainly pure electric and hybrid models, more than doubled to 534,000 vehicles, accounting for nearly a quarter of total vehicle exports.
These optimistic figures make people believe that China will become the number one country in terms of sales throughout the year.